3 Days prayer and fasting Compl
Apostle Momo Promise
"Ohh Lord rescue back my Glory"
1 Chron 4:9-10
9 And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.
10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.
Prayer points
1. Thank God for your life, for your family, for your business and career
2. My Glory in the pit of darkness Jump out by fire in the name of Jesus
3. My Glory in the coven of witches come out with speed in the name of Jesus
4. My Glory in the grave yard come out by fire in the name of Jesus
5. My Glory in the occultic realm, come out by fire in the name of Jesus
6. My Glory in the heavenlies, you belong to me, come to me by fire in the name of Jesus
7. My Glory with Spiritual wickedness in high and low places come to me in the name of Jesus
8. Powers pricing my Glory catch fire in the name of Jesus
9. Every written code of hell upon my Glory be erased by fire in the name of Jesus
10. Rescue my Glory from every demonic Glory habourer in the name of Jesus Christ
11. Powers associating my Glory with negativity be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
12. I pronounce Judgment on any power planning to trade my Glory
13. My Glory, My Glory, My Glory you will not be traded for silver and Gold In the name of Jesus
14. My Glory, My Glory, My Glory you will not be traded for pleasure in the name of Jesus
15. I break every curse placed upon my Glory in the name of Jesus
16. I destroy every marine agent manipulating my Glory in the name of Jesus
17. Deliver me from Glory stealers of my marriage in the name of Jesus
18. Deliver me from Glory stealers of my job in the name of Jesus
19. Deliver me from Glory stealers of my children in the name of Jesus
20. I break loose from every Glory feasting demon in the name of Jesus
21. I subscribe to the kingdom of heaven for Glory recovery in the name of Jesus
22. My Glory shall never be put to sleep in the name of Jesus
23. My Glory shall never die in the name of Jesus
24. Prophecy over this day and declare what you want to see
25. Pray for the body of Christ and the Church Leaders worldwide
26. Pray for Apostle Momo Promise and Zion flames ministries international
Read Psalms 2
God bless you richly!!!
Pt 2
Apostle Momo Promise
Psalms 34:19
19 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all."
Prayer points
1. Thank God for his mercies and his wonderful works, he is worthy to be praised
2. Complete what you have started in my life in the name of Jesus
3. Go to the camp of my enemies and dislodge them in the name of Jesus
4. Evil gathering against my life and destiny will no longer be possible in the name of Jesus
5. I suspend and cancel the advancement of darkness towards my destination in the name of Jesus
6. Powers in the heavenlies holding council against my life be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
7. Powers in the air waging war against my life be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
8. Powers in the sea meeting to drawn me in the river of darkness be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
9. Powers underneath the earth holding council meetings against my destiny be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus
10. Dessert and forest Spirits interfering with my day to day activities be cancelled by fire in the name of Jesus
11. Ohhh Lord every rule of engagement of darkness against my life be cancelled by fire in the name of Jesus
12. Every chain used to tie me down I command you to be broken in the name of Jesus
13. Anything used to represent my life in the coven of darkness be consumed by fire
14. Ohhh elements of the earth hear the word of God, you shall not be used against me in the name of Jesus
15. The grace to make impact on the surface of the earth be released upon my life in the name of Jesus
16. I receive the anointing for relevance in the name of Jesus
17. Take away pain and reproach away from my life in the name of Jesus
18. Whatsoever I am pregnant of will be delivered in the name of Jesus
19. Destroy both the diviner and the divination for my sake in the name of Jesus
20. I break free from the powers that have held my life to ransom in the name of Jesus
21. Every hidden agenda of darkness for my life be exposed by fire in the name of Jesus
22. My destiny must be fulfilled, my glory must shine in the name of Jesus
23. Elevate me ohhh Lord, fight my battles in the name of Jesus
24. Prophecy upon this day and declare what you want to see
25. Pray for the body of Christ and the Church Leaders worldwide
26. Pray for the body of Christ and the Church Leaders worldwide
Read Psalms 4
God bless you richly!!!