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Powerful prayers to break the yoke of dissapointment

Writer's picture: seyimomo2019seyimomo2019

Powerful prayers to break the yoke of dissapointment pt 2

By Apostle Momo Promise

Isaiah 40:28-31

“Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is God from of old, creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary, and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny. He gives power to the faint, abundant strength to the weak. Though young men faint and grow weary, and youths stagger and fall, they that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint.”

This scripture gives us the assurance that when we trust in the Lord, no matter the dissapointments we are facing, he is sure to help us through, waiting and believing on God no matter the situation is very paramount.

When dissapointment occurs in the life of a person it frustrates such person, it can be sickening, and quite challenging, no wonder the bible says "hope deferred maketh the heart sick but desire when it comes is a tree of life." A young man who was the only son of four children was due for marriage, his three sisters had already gotten married but he remained single, this man was also the first child but to no avail, he had gone every where seeking for help but to no avail, he was the first child, he needed to get married to have a child so as to keep the family name, but that area of his life suffered disappointment, he was in different relationships that could not give him anything, one day he asked God a question "why do I always suffer disappointment?" That was the question that set this man free, everything in life has a reason for it's happening, and the things that do not happen has a reason why it does not, this is to say everything has a reason for happening, untill he sought the face of the Lord, God did not reveal to him, God told him the reason why he was not married was because he had been with women who would have wiped off his family lineage and God would not watch him end up with such people.

Pray this prayer violently, I believe God is set to deliver you today

Prayer points

1. Thank God for his faithfulness upon your life, he is worthy to be praised and adore

2. Show me the root cause of my problems in the name of Jesus

3. Ohh Lord reveal to me powers causing dissapointment in my life in the name of Jesus

4. I receive strength in the place of prayer to break every yoke of dissapointment in the name of Jesus

5. I exempt myself from patterns of dissapointment in the name of Jesus

6. Powers raising my hope to fall me again catch fire in the name of Jesus

7. Separate me Lord from powers of dissapointment in the name of Jesus

8. From this day I rebuke frustration and disappointment in my life in Jesus name

9. Powers tearing my appointment letter in the Spirit catch fire in the name of Jesus

10. Every where I step into, I shall be favoured in the name of Jesus

11. Every chain of limitation be broken from my life in the name of Jesus

12. Satisfy me with provision in the name of Jesus

13. I receive Grace to leap above dissapointment in the name of Jesus

14. I refuse to live in defeat release my victory today ohh Lord in Jesus name

15. I recover all that the spirit of disappointment has taken from me in the name of Jesus

16. Between now and the next 48 hours I pray for favour for divine connection

17. Monitoring powers set to monitor my progress catch fire in the name of Jesus

18. Over my life, place your banner of protection in the name of Jesus

19. I cover everything I do with the blood of Jesus

20. Where I am supposed to be introduced for my glory to shine, introduce me there in the name of Jesus

21. My mouth hear the word of the Lord, you shall not be silenced in the name of Jesus

22. From this day I will no longer live a dissapointed life in the name of Jesus

23. Every ocean of dissapointment that I have sunk into, I come out by fire in the name of Jesus

Prayer points: Part 2

1. Thank God for his blessings upon your life since the beginning of this prayers he is worthy to be praised

2. Every curse of loss upon my life, I release myself from you, in the name of Jesus.

2. Satanic robbers, I say no to you, you can’t rob me of my blessings. In the name of Jesus, die now by thunder.

3. I arrest and bind every demon assigned to divert my total recovery now by fire, in the name of Jesus.

4. Wherever my destiny has been caged, wherever the destinies of my children/spouse…..(mention others) have been caged, I command you now to be released by fire, in the name of Jesus.

5. Wherever my destiny has been hidden, causing disappointment in my life I command you now to appear and locate me, in the name of Jesus.

6. Powers using my star to shine, catch fire in Jesus’ name.

6. I recover my destiny from the hand of destiny exchangers in the name of Jesus.

7. My destiny be released, be released, be released, and locate me in the name of Jesus. (Command your destiny to appear)

7. My financial virtues: become an angel of war and fight your robbers in Jesus’ name.

8. My health virtues: become the lightning of God and strike your robbers to destruction in Jesus’ name.

9. You the star of my destiny arise and shine, in the name of Jesus.

10. My total recovery shall not be hindered, in the name of Jesus.

11. Every satanic transaction done over my life while I was in the womb, perish by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

12. I pursue, I overtake and I recover by fire all the years the locust has eaten in my life in the name of Jesus

13. Anything stolen from my life when I was age 1 and now, be restored by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. (Pray till your spirit tells you to stop)

14. Every serpent of darkness which has stolen my virtue, through sex with any satanic agent, vomit, my virtue and die, in the name of Jesus. (Renounce soul tie sexual relationship with your ex)

15. Every power from my foundation that has buried my family name; my destiny is not your candidate, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

16. O God, any name that I am bearing that is connected to loss, I REBUKE IT, in Jesus name.

17. Thou ancient of Days, rebuke the devourer for my sake, in the name of Jesus.

18. I receive the anointing of restoration, in the name of Jesus.

15. Any personality that the devil has replaced my life with be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

16. My exchanged destiny, be restored by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

17. Any strange house that I have entered that has stolen the glory of God in my life, be restored.

17. Any power assigned to exchange my destiny, be destroyed, in the name of Jesus.

18. My virtues stolen and hidden under the waters, I recover you by fire.

19. My virtue,stolen and hidden under and above the earth, I recover you by fire now in Jesus name.

20. Every altar of the waster erected to waste my years, be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus.

21. Lord, restore my wasted efforts, money, health, strength and blessings, in the name of Jesus.

22. Any evil voice calling out my name in the dark for disappointment in financial loss, marital loss, job loss etc be silenced by the blood of Jesus. (Pray on your name)

23. Every good thing God has destined for me, but is in the possession of someone else, I command it to come to me now, in Jesus name.

24. Pray upon this day and declare what you want to see

25. Pray for the body of Christ and Zion flames ministries international

26. Pray for Apostle Momo Promise and Zion flames ministries international

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