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Different military uniforms and what they mean in the dream

Writer's picture: seyimomo2019seyimomo2019

Different military uniforms and

what they mean with biblical references

One common dream that people have is the dream of wearing military uniforms or regalia, in this article I will be shedding light on what this dream means when you see them, it is important to note that all dreams should be interpreted by the inspiration of the holy spirit and with scriptural guide. The dream of seeing oneself in the military is common amongst people and I will be showing what they mean with biblical references.

Scriptural references (Eph 6:12), (2 Tim 3:17), (Eph 6:12), (Matt 5:9)

The dream of seeing oneself in a military uniform is most times a good dream, but sometimes it may not be good depending on how you see it or what you see, this kind of dream shows one's spiritual state, it shows if one is still on track or if there is more work to be done, below are various dreams of Military uniforms and what they mean with scriptural references.

* Dream of wearing Soldier uniform (Eph 6:11-18)" 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This is a dream that shows the call of God upon the life of a person, if you dream of seeing yourself on soldier apparel it could also mean your spiritual state, it shows that you are spiritually alert, it means you are on a prayer routine and you are commanding the presence of God, it could also mean that you are threat to powers around you, this dream means you are lifted spiritually above others and it shows you are doing the right thing, if you dream of matching with the soldiers uniform it means you are preparing for spiritual warfare ahead, soldier apparel in dreams generally mean you are prepared for spiritual battle

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself holding a riffle with a Military attire? meaning> This means you are called into ministry and you are being given everything it takes to begin what God has said you should begin

2. I saw myself with a group of soldiers discussing like we were in a battle ground what does this mean? meaning> This means you are currently undergoing some spiritual battles and you are carrying out some spiritual activities that are doing damage to the Devil

3. I am a soldier, I saw in a dream that I was shot on the leg in a battle? meaning> you will be betrayed, there is a plan to take you to a place in the battle field that will not favour you

Prayer guide

If you fall under category 1 and 2 above do a three days prayer and ask God to give you victory over the powers of hell and darkness, but if you fall in category 3 you are to do a three days prayer and fasting, pray against the Spirit of death pray with Psalms 6

* Dream of Matching like a novice on Military uniform (2 Tim 3:17) "That the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

Signal: warning

Gender: both male/female

Reason: When you dream of matching akwardly it shows you are under Spiritual training, God is making you pass through some things to make you perfect for the work ahead, it is a dream that shows that you must take the learning process seriously, this is a dream that shows that you are going through so many difficulties and there is struggle in your life especially as relating to ministry, this dream shows that you are putting in your effort but things are not yielding according to your expectations, it is a dream that shows you are not seeing the much needed result.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I dreamt of seeing myself with an array of matching soldiers but while they were matching perfectly I was missing my steps? meaning> you are currently on a training cause, you are going through certain challenges as regards your faith

2. What does it mean when I was dressing up on a military uniform while others had already began matching? meaning> This means you are behind spiritually, there is stagnation as touching your spiritual life

3. I dreamt of renouncing the military in the dream what does it mean? meaning> This means you are on the verge of backsliding, as the Devil is winning the battle over your faith

Prayer guide

Do a seven day prayer and fasting, pray with Psalms 33, 34, and 35 pray for restoration of your spiritual life and ask God to help you serve him in Spirit and in truth

* Dream of wearing Police uniform (Matt 5:9) "Blessed are the peacekeepers, for they shall be called the children of God."

Signal: Varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This dream can vary in meaning, if you dream of wearing a police uniform it means you are going to be settling a dispute with some people having issues in no time, if you are a police officer seeing yourself on a police uniform God is showing you a dream that relates to the Job you are doing, if you see yourself working as a police personal and you have applied for a police Job then it means you will be given the Job if you persevere, if you are given a black police uniform in the dream it means you are being accosted with a spirit of death, if you dream of controlling traffick it means God is going to use you to help others achieve and actualize your goals.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I dreamt of being chased by police what does it mean? meaning> This means you are going to experience a spiritual attack, there are powers after your life and destiny

2. I saw myself as the head of Police what does it mean? meaning> It means God is going to promote you in due season, your good works will open doors for you

3. I dreamt of wearing a Police helmet what does it mean? meaning> This means your lost glory is being restored, you will begin to experience good things again

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first category do a seven day prayer, pray against death and spiritual attacks, if you are in the second and third category do a 21 days Vigil asking God for your promotion

* Dream of wearing local security uniform (Psalms 121:3-5) "

He will not allow your foot to slip;He who keeps you will not slumber.

Behold, He who keeps Israel Will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade on your right hand."

Signal: varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you have this dream and you are a security personnel this dream is related to your Job, if you are wearing a security attire guiding a house it means your destiny is being used, if you always have this kind of dream you need to do a deliverance prayer, if you are a local security and you always see yourself still working in your former place of work it means your glory has been used there, it could also depict backwardness, if you dream of being a security of an apartment trying to evade robbers from entering that particular house it means you are being used, your destiny is under attack.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I always see myself as a security in a big house? meaning> This means you are living below your potentials, you are not leaving up to expectations

2. I see myself as the security of my former company again and again? meaning> your destiny has been tampered with, there are some spiritual activities carried out there when you were working that has affected you

3. I saw myself being attacked by thieves although I am a security man? meaning> God is showing you to be more alert as there are plans of darkness to invade where you are

Prayer guide

If you fall in the 1st and 2nd category do a seven days white fast, pray with Psalms 24 and 72 pray for Glory recovery if you fall in the 3rd category Do a three days prayer and fasting break by 6pm daily read Psalms 91 seven times and pray against demonic attacks

* Dream of wearing a Naval uniform (Judg 7:5) "When Gideon took his warriors down to the water, the LORD told him, “Divide the men into two groups. In one group put all those who cup water in their hands and lap it up with their tongues like dogs. In the other group put all those who kneel down and drink with their mouths in the stream.”

Signal: Varies

Gender: both male/female

Reason: When you dream of being a Naval officer in the dream it means you are equipped for battles confronting your life and destiny, this battles could come predominantly from marine forces and powers, if you are in ministry and you see this kind of dreams it means your ministry is tilting towards being a deliverance ministry, this dream shows you are being equipped to wage war against the spiritual forces confronting your life and destiny, if you dream of sailing a ship it means you are fighting some battles but you are in control, you are not moved but you are on your path towards overcoming, if you are sailing in fear it means you are in a spiritual warfare but you need to be more confident and exercise more faith to overcome

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself on a Naval uniform what does it mean? meaning> you are equipped spiritually to gain victory over forces that have risen against your life and destiny

2. I had a Naval uniform on me but I was a novice, I couldn't operate the equipments given to me? meaning> This means you are praying but there are certain spiritual steps you need to take for your prayers to be answered, there is still so much room for improvement

3. I found myself sailing a ship what does it mean? meaning> It means you are facing a difficulty situation but you are in control, it is not overwhelming or overpowering you instead it is making you stronger

Prayer guide

Do a seven days prayer, ask God to empower you for greater exploits

* Dream of sinking as a Naval officer (Matt 14:30) "But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me."

Signal: Bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This dream is one that shows spiritual attack, it shows witchcraft or marine manipulation, when you see yourself sailing a ship and the ship sinks it means the issues and storms of life will swallow you up if you are not prayerful, when you dream of swimming in the water it means there are some problems or issues of life out there to consume you if you are not prayerful, this dream symbolizes financial problems and attacks, this is a dream that shows that there is serious problem coming your way and you should be well prepared to overcome it.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself sinking in the dream screaming for help? meaning> There is a spirit of death sent to you

2. I was sailing but there was an heavy storm that shook the ship people were screaming in the ship? meaning> There is some property of some people that you have with you that you will not be able to account for and will put you in trouble

3. I was forced into the river by some people who pretended to teach me how to swim what does it mean Mog? meaning> you are going to experience betrayal that will cost you something very important, something you treasure so much

Prayer guide

Do a three days dry fast, pray with Psalms 1, 35 and 124 pray that you will not be swallowed up by the waters of life

* Dream of wearing air force uniform (Psalms 104:1-5) "Bless the Lord, O my soul! O Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with splendor and majesty, covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent. He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters; he makes the clouds his chariot; he rides on the wings of the wind; he makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire. He set the earth on its foundations, so that it should never be moved."

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: This is a that shows that God has lifted you above some spiritual forces troubling your life, the dream shows that you are living a life of Victory, when you see yourself on white air force uniform it means your prayers are effective and you will soon see results, this dream could also mean that you have a call of God upon your life, and that God is endowing you with so much spiritual capacity, it means you will function in a high dimension of God's grace and you will minister with the presence of God.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself wearing an air force attire but I could not match properly? meaning> you have a call of God upon your life but you need to go through training

2. I saw myself wearing an air force attire what does it mean? meaning> you are endowed with power from above, your prayers are paying off

Prayer guide

Do a long periodic fast from 14 days above break by 6pm each day and tell God to help you know more about your calling

* Dream of driving an aircraft (Eph 6:12) "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Signal: good

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream driving an aircraft it means God is promoting you, God is lifting you above a particular problem you are facing, God is lifting you above the situations of life and the obstacles and challenges confronting you, it could also mean increase in the anointing or spiritual maturity, it shows that you are praying a lot and that God has promoted you spiritually, if you dream of driving an aircraft with a soldier attire, it means you are called into ministry and that God has given you grace to carry out the work given to you, if you see yourself in an aircraft but you are not driving it means you are on a promotion cause but there are still certain things you need to learn.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I always find myself flying an aircraft what does it mean? meaning> It means you have received divine grace to excel in your calling

2. I saw myself thrown down from a plain? meaning> This means you are going to fall in ministry if you do not pray

3. I had a dream where I was a pilot what does it mean? meaning> It means promotion, God is taking you to another level entirely

Prayer guide

If you find yourself in category 2 above do a seven days white fast, and pray against temptation pray with Psalms 23

If you are in category 1 and 3 above do a seven days vigil from 1am-3am and ask God to bring to pass speedily whatsoever he has for you

If you have any dream you would like me to interprete drop your comments in the comment section below

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Ashley Katra
Ashley Katra
Jul 06, 2024

Just recently had a dream (one of several along a linear theme) where i went through some type of military sorting. Where to find your place and skill. I saw that each person that went through had a small doll made of them that reflected their strategies. They were instructed to use these action figure like dolls to train with their comrades. I thought such a strategy was quite helpful in building communication and so, i underwent the process to obtain my own. The general overseeing admissions looked at me puzzled and looked at a large stack of paperwork from my alleged service history. He inquired about my need to do this training, as i was technically overqualified. I felt…

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