You might be wondering, "What does a spider bite mean in dreams?" Dreaming of a spider bite can be quite unsettling and should be taken seriously. This dream symbolizes a spiritual attack of affliction, sorrow, bitterness, and conflict. Be vigilant and pray to ward off potential sorrowful situations stemming from division, betrayal, hatred, or lack of love that may result in stagnation.
Gal 5:15
15 "But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another."
Also, you should pray against the arrow of sickness and death, which is similar to the dream of an ant biting you, as explained in the previous post.
Actually, insect bites and stings can result in an instant skin response. Ant bites and bee, wasp, and hornet stings are typically quite painful. Bites from mosquitoes, fleas, and mites are more prone to causing itching or swelling rather than pain.
Spider bites, on the other hand, cause more deaths from venom reactions than bites from snakes. Most deaths from spider bites are due to allergic reactions to the venom, rather than the toxins in the venom itself.
By manipulating spider bites in dreams, the enemy can create issues, discord, or unease within the family. Individuals may dream of a spider bite and then wake up to find actual swelling, itchiness, or redness on their skin. Such occurrences are a form of satanic manipulation.
When you are in Christ and filled with the power and fire of the Holy Spirit, and when you exercise the authority you possess in Christ, the enemy's attack cannot overcome you.
Mark 16:18
they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
When you see a spider biting you, also know that this can be an arrow of bodily affliction, life-threatening sickness, and disease that has been sent into your life. It can also be a spirit of torment and oppression by the enemy. You will need the spirit of discernment to know where the enemy's attack is aimed at in your life.
Also, it can be projected to cause a miscarriage in pregnant women or the loss of something very vital and important. In summary, anything that causes sorrow in an individual or family is what this dream opens the door to.
If you see this dream pray the prayer points below
Do a three days prayer and fasting break by 3pm (Pray with Psalms 7 and 59)
1. I wash myself clean from Satanic projection of spider bite by the blood of Jesus
2. I loose myself from every bondage of sickness, setback and disappointment in the name of Jesus
3. Arrow of division, strife and betrayal sent into my life I command you to vanish in the name of Jesus
4. Every evil Arrow shot into my life go back to the sender in the name of Jesus
5. I break free from the bondage of darkness working against my freedom in the name of Jesus
6. Spiritual spiders assigned to fight me be roasted by fire in the name of Jesus
7. I close the door to all spiritual attacks in my life in the name of Jesus
8. Thank God for answered prayers
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