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Dream meaning of make up

Writer's picture: seyimomo2019seyimomo2019

Dream meaning of make up

Make up dream is a type of dream that some people have, this kind of dream is common mostly among women, this dream can be quite disturbing especially if you do not know what it means, in this article I will be explaining some make up dreams and what they mean, it is important to note that all dreams must be guided with scripture and the holy spirit

Scriptural references (2 Kings 9:30), (Jer 4:30), (Lev 19:28), (2 Sam 14:26)

This dream of make up is one that symbolizes demonic manipulation, in some cases a change of identity, most times the Devil uses what you cannot refuse in the dream to find a way to access your life, this dream is oftentimes not a good one, I will be explaining different make up dreams and what they mean

Dream of facial make up (2 Kings 9:30) "Then Jehu went to Jezreel. When Jezebel heard about it, she put on eye makeup, arranged her hair and looked out of a window."

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: If you dream of someone wearing a make up for you it means there is a demonic manipulation to divert your blessings, dream of make up is a dream that shows witchcraft and marine related activities, it is a plot of darkness to change your identity and to further redirect your blessings, if you see someone doing a make up for you then you have to be aware that there is a blessing coming your way that the Devil wants to hijack from you, if you wear a makeup before a wedding in the dream it means there is a plot to stop you from getting married, if you wear it before going for a Job interview there is a plot to stop you from getting that Job

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. Hello Mog I was in a Saloon where I was asked to choose the colour which I wanted for make up and I chose red what does it mean? meaning> This means there is a witchcraft manipulation to stop a major blessing coming your way

2. I was seeing myself being given a lip gloss to hold on my hands in my dream? meaning> This means you are going to be restored especially financially

3. What does it mean if you dream of someone painting your face? meaning> This is a demonic manipulation to divert your blessings and manipulate your glory

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first and third category do a seven days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 35, pray against every witchcraft manipulation upon your life

If you fall in the second category do a three days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 27, pray that whatsoever you have lost be restored unto you

* Dream of buying makeup items (Jer 4:30) "And you, O desolate one, what will you do? Although you dress in scarlet, Although you decorate yourself with ornaments of gold, Although you enlarge your eyes with paint, In vain you make yourself beautiful. Your lovers despise you; They seek your life.

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: If you dream of buying makeup items it means financial loss, financial struggle and toil, this dream suggests that there are plans that you have that are going to face challenges most of which are coming from marine powers, if you dream of buying makeup items as a man it means your destiny has been exchanged, there are powers manipulating your life and don't want you to function as a man, if you dream of someone buying makeup items for you this means glory and destiny exchange.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself buying makeup items from an old woman what does it mean? meaning> There is a witchcraft plot to make you loose money

2. I always see myself buying makeup in the market? meaning> There are certain things they have done to you to cause financial chaos and crisis

3. Someone was cleaning my face with a powder in the dream what does it mean? meaning> This means you are going to experience setback in an area of your life

Prayer guide

Do a 7 Days prayer and fasting pray with Psalms 35, pray against demonic manipulation of your life and destiny

* Dream of fixing nails (Dan 4:33) "Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws."

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: When you see yourself fixing nails in the dream it means marital dissapointment, your hand is suppose to be taken in marriage, the Devil understands this and places a mark on that hand, fixing nails in the dream can bring bad luck to an already married person, this is a dream that suggests that there are marine powers that are fighting and manipulating things in your life, fixing nails in the dream can also be financial dissapointment, there are powers that do not want you to use your hands to do anything meaningful

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself fixing nails for so many people what does it mean? meaning> you will have a career that has to do with fashion

2. I saw people fixing my nails what does it mean? meaning> There are powers fighting your marriage

3. I always see myself with strange long fingers in the dream? meaning> This means you are being controlled by certain evil spirits, they have changed your identity

Prayer guide

If you fall in the second and third category do a three days dry fasting, pray with Psalms 121, pray for destiny recovery

* Dream of applying nail polish (Deut 21:12) "then you shall bring her home to your house, and she shall shave her head and trim her nails."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of applying nail polish this is a dream that can also suggest marital problems, the dream of someone applying nail polish to your hands has to do with a connection to marine spirits, this kind of dream shows that you are going to encounter some kind of difficult situation in certain areas of your life in real life, this dream shows there is a demonic hand that is operating in your life there to cause disappointment and setback as touching marriage and your finances, dream of polishing your nails symbolize renewal of certain things that has been done against you.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I am a guy i saw a lady polishing my nails what does it mean? meaning> This means there are powers fighting against marriage in your life

2. What does it mean if your nails are being polished? meaning> This is a demonic renewal of certain negative things that are being done against your life and destiny

3. I saw myself polishing my nails what does it mean? meaning> This is a plot to affect your finances and cause hardship

Prayer guide

Do a three days prayer and fasting, pray with Psalms 18 and destroy the mandate of darkness to renew age long covenant upon your life

* Dream of fixing eye lash (Jer 4:30) "And you, O desolate one, what will you do? Although you dress in scarlet, Although you decorate yourself with ornaments of gold, Although you enlarge your eyes with paint, In vain you make yourself beautiful. Your lovers despise you; They seek your life.

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: If you dream that you are fixing eye lashes it means you are being attacked spiritually, there is a plot of darkness to attack your sensitivity in the spirit realm, this may result to loss of dream life, and accuracy in discernment, this dream can also mean that you are going to experience some form of deceit that will cost you something very important, if you dream of fixing eye lashes before a wedding it means there are powers that are working against your marriage, this shows that your marital life is under serious spiritual attack.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw my eye lashes being fixed what does it mean? meaning> This is a spiritual attack on your sensitivity in the spirit

2. What does it mean for my eyebrows to be shaved? meaning> This is a spiritual attack on your physical eyes pray against any eye issue

3. I saw two ladies fixing eye lashes for me and I don't do that in the physical what does it mean? meaning> This means your spiritual sensitivity is being fought

Prayer guide

Do a three days vigil pray with Psalms 2, pray against powers fighting your sensitivity in the Spirit

* Dream of wearing wig (2 Sam 14:26) "Whenever he cut the hair of his head—he used to cut his hair once a year because it became too heavy for him—he would weigh it, and its weight was two hundred shekels by the royal standard.

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: If you see yourself wearing a wig or attachment in the dream it means there are powers imposing themselves on you, this is a dream that symbolises exchange of Glory, if you dream of a wig being given to you there is a Satanic plot to take what belongs to you, the dream of wigs symbolizes financial loss, marital loss, failure etc. If you dream seeing yourself buying a wig or attachment it means you are going to take some decisions that will cost you your destiny, if you see yourself wearing wigs of fancy colours it means there are marine powers manipulating your life

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself selling wigs in the dream? meaning> This could be a pointer that God wants you to go into the business

2. I saw myself wearing a blue attachment what does it mean? meaning> This means there are powers trying to manipulate things in your life to work against you, these powers are marine powers

3. I saw myself being given a wig by a beautiful woman? meaning> They want to use your glory by exchanging your destiny

Prayer guide

Do a seven days white fast, pray with Psalms 35 and ask God to deliver you from every marine manipulation

* Dream of Tattoo (Lev 19:28) "You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord."

Signal: bad

Gender: female

Reason: When you see yourself been tattooed in the dream it symbolizes satanic marking and identification, this is a dream that shows that you have been initiated into a witchcraft/marine coven or an occult, if you dream and see markings on your body it means there are powers laying claim to your life and by that they are controlling your life and destiny, if you dream of someone drawing tattoo on your body it means you are being initiated into something demonic, if you see a painting on your body depending on what is painted it can be good or bad

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I saw myself being given a tattoo on my hand what does it mean? meaning> you have been initiated into something demonic

2. I saw people lined up for tattoos I was there as well and I was given a tattoo with my name as the inscription? meaning> they have being able to lure you into some witchcraft activities

3. I was given a small tatto on my neck what does it mean? meaning> This is a plot of darkness to monitor you, it is an evil mark

Prayer guide

Do a seven days Daniel fast, pray with Psalms 34 and 35, pray against demonic initiation and evil marks

* Dream of applying powder (Exodus 30:36) "

Grind some of it into a fine powder and put some in front of the testimony in the tent of meeting, where I will meet with you. It must be especially holy to you."

Signal: bad

Gender: both male/female

Reason: If you dream of seeing yourself powdering your face means financial drought and dryness it means you are going to experience lack of finance, in the coming days, weeks, months etc. If you dream of seeing someone putting powder on your face it means spiritual dryness, the sole aim of which is so that you should become financially dry and bankrupt, this dream changes the identity of a person from a rich person to someone that begins to struggle to make ends meet without any major achievements.

Dream scenarios and meaning

1. I Saw myself applying powder to my face before I was going to speak to a lady I love in the dream? meaning> There is a satanic plot to keep you waiting and not get married due to financial struggle

2. I saw someone blew something like powdered substance on my eyes what does it mean please? meaning> There is a plot to attack your life and to kill you

3. What does it mean when a person's face is full of powder in the dream? meaning> your life is currently manipulated as nothing is working in your life

Prayer guide

If you fall in the first and second category do a three days prayer and fasting break by 3pm each day pray with Psalms 2 and 3

If you fall in the second category do a three days white fast, pray with Psalms 1 and send every demonic arrow back to sender

if you have any dream you want me to interprete drop your comment in the comment section below

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